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Safety tips for your pets in the cold weather

Safety tips for pets during cold weather events
Safety tips for pets during cold weather events 00:40

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- With all of the cold weather here in our area, it's important to remember that our pets get cold, too.

Here in Pennsylvania, it's illehal to keep dogs tied up for more than 30 minutes in weather where the temperature is below 32 degrees.

And don't forget, despite the fur coat that a dog has, if it's too cold for you, then it's too cold for them, too. They can get frostbite, too.

"If at all possible, please bring them inside, said Brent Weinkauf, Director of the Pittsylvania Pet Center. "Once it gets below freezing, they're not going to have adequate water, because the water is going to freeze, so that's not adequate care. So, just please bring them inside." 

Another important rule here is Pennsylvania for all weather conditions is that dogs can't be tied for more than 9 hours in a 24-hour period.

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