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Romney To Make 2 Campaign Stops In Area

IRWIN (KDKA) - Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney is returning to Pennsylvania with the hopes of putting the state in the GOP's win column for the first time since 1988.

Romney is expected to speak around 1:30 p.m. at Horizontal Wireline Services in Irwin, Westmoreland County.

A total of 1,600 people sent in an RSVP to confirm they would attend the event, but it is unclear if the room will hold that many people.

Romney said the today's focus is going to be on President Barack Obama's "upside down economy." By that he means that Obama's work has not helped the middle class in Pennsylvania.

Middle class Americans are a major focus of both Romney and Obama in this campaign.

Westmoreland County is fertile territory for Romney. Republicans running for president tend to carry the county by considerable margins. In 2008, Obama did not win Westmoreland County.

For Romney, he needs to do well in Democratic counties around the area if he wants to win the state in the general election.

Later today, Romney is going to the Duquesne club for another fundraiser.

Polls show Romney and President Barack Obama are in a very tight race so far.

Romney has been the subject of attack ads by the Obama campaign over how he allegedly handled Bain Capital. He's also being accused of moving jobs overseas, which Romney claims is not true

The White House said President Obama will be heading to Texas after stopping in Ohio on Monday. He is expected to deliver the same message about Romney. He said Romney's plan for the economy is tired and failed.

However, the president is dealing with an 8 percent unemployment rate in the United States. No president has ever been reelected with an unemployment rate over 8 percent.

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