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Pittsburghers say roads in Riverview Park are 'a safety concern'

Residents say roads in Riverview Park are 'a safety concern'
Residents say roads in Riverview Park are 'a safety concern' 01:47

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Roads in Riverview Park are collapsing. 

According to the city, crews are addressing eight landslides in the park. 

Part of the road near Woods Run Avenue has barriers set up as it crumbles. The dirt below the street is washing away. The spot is not alone, as a ride along Riverview Avenue shows several spots walkers, runners and bikers avoid.  

"You see all the other parks in the city, they look immaculate and beautiful. You come here to this hidden gem, it looks like a third-world country," North Sider Jacob Dumont said.  

It's a problem the park has battle for years. In 2019, KDKA-TV reported on landslides impacting the road then and what the city was doing to repair it.  

"You guys have been out here before. It seems like a broken record at this point," Dumont said.  

"Now you've got to be careful when you're walking around here. A lot of the roads are washed away. ... I just don't understand how it gets washed away and no one takes care of this," Mark Mustovich said.  

The city is aware of the matter. It said $2.8 million of RAD funding is going to address the need. Currently, one hillside is being repaired. It's expected to be done this spring.  

"I do have confidence that these will be addressed," Councilman Bobby Wilson said.  

Councilman Wilson said the challenge is diverting water away from the hillsides. If it gets down into the ground, the saturation can cause the hill to slide.  

"It's just an unfortunate situation. It's going to be a costly situation, but the city remains dedicated to making sure this roadway is intact," Wilson said.  

For people who use or live near the park, they hope this work can be done soon. 

"This is definitely dangerous for walking. It's just a safety concern," Mustovich said.  

This year, two more landslides are scheduled to be repaired. Two more are in the design phase of being fixed.  

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