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Residents Voice Concerns Before Phase 2 Of Penn Avenue Construction Begins

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Many people in the East End said it was a bumpy ride when the city redeveloped Penn Avenue a few years ago.

Now they're bracing for round two of the project.

On Thursday, they got a chance to have their opinions heard.

"The last time was an absolute nightmare for people living on both sides of Penn Avenue. ... We can't have that happen again," Jennifer Haven said.

The East End Penn Avenue corridor is bustling with shopping, restaurants, the arts, new housing and tons of mixed-use real estate.

The city said repairing the road is necessary and tricky.

"The street itself is old. It's never had a full reconstruction. So from an engineering standpoint, from a material standpoint, it's past due," said Eric Setzler, chief engineer at the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure.

Officials met with concerned citizens on Thursday because the construction project is a big undertaking.

Much like phase one, phase two's four-block area — from Evaline Street to Graham Street — will be a full reconstruction: replacing the street, sub-base beneath the street, curbs, sidewalks, street lights and traffic lights.

"We're going to maintain traffic in one direction. We're going to maintain parking. You'll loose some parking, but we got to keep some parking, as well," Setzler said. "We are proposing to use bump-outs and some things to improve pedestrian safety."

The construction area is a major route for school buses, commuters and seniors.

It will become ADA compliant, and the city will add more trees and beautify the area.

Construction beings in 2022.

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