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'He Is A Predator': Police Say Fayette County Teacher Had Sexual Relationship With High School Student

FAYETTE COUNTY (KDKA) -- A local teacher is facing charges for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a high school student

Uniontown Police Lt. Tom Kolencik's describing what investigators say teacher Zachary Dice is.

"He is a predator," the police officer said.

(Photo Credit: KDKA)

Dice, an instructor at Lafayette Elementary school, is accused of sending explicit photos to at least three high school girl students that he met while helping with activities at the high school

"It started off as a friendship," Kolencik said. "He was their instructor, he was their teacher. But it led into a friendship that led to an exchange of phone numbers, pictures."

But investigators say for one of the victims, Dice went much further.

"There was physical contact multiple times inside the school," Dice said.

According to police, Dice, who has a degree in child psychology, was exploiting his victims' immaturity for his own benefit.

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