Police Investigate Rash Of Car Burglaries In Shaler Twp.
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Police are investigating a rash of car burglaries in Shaler Township.
At least a couple dozen cars have been broken into in the last month -- even more if you include the outlying areas.
"Most of it is happening overnight," said one police officer. "We're getting in between midnight and 5 a.m., that''s what the time frame is."
Police say all of the cars were unlocked and some parked in the owners' driveway.
Car owner Bob Shultz said he always locks his car after being a victim one before.
"We lock 'em," he said. "'Cause I had it broken into a few years ago."
However, when KDKA's Marty Griffin tried the door, it was unlocked.
Police say no one has been hurt -- the break-ins aren't violent. In fact, they're not taking much, passing over GPS devices to steal some loose change.
Shaler Township Police already arrested a couple of people and are looking for more. And since every break-in has happened to an unlocked car, police have some simple advice.
"Just keep your vehicle locked," the officer said.
Police also ask anyone who sees anything suspicious to call 911.
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