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Pittsburgh Public Schools parents want to share community-led proposal amid consolidation plan

Parents in Pittsburgh want to share community-led proposal amid school consolidation plan
Parents in Pittsburgh want to share community-led proposal amid school consolidation plan 02:15

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The debate over the future of some Pittsburgh Public Schools continues.

Some parents are coming up with a plan of their own after a consultant group advised closing 14 schools in the district. According to the parents, the plan looks at the strengths and challenges of Pittsburgh Public Schools.

They want to see the strengths used to overcome these challenges.

"With only one option to modify, it's hard to kind of see other pathways. The community has been really innovative at looking at other pathways forward," parent Sarah Zangle said.

Zangle has a child at Pittsburgh Woolslair PreK-5, one of the schools proposed to close. She and other parents have been part of a community team to see if there are other possibilities to keep some schools open. They spoke with about 140 people directly and several others indirectly about what they need to see happen in PPS.

"What we did do was figure out with community wisdom and community knowledge what a good pathway is for PPS, and we have a starting point," Zangle said.

While this does still include about eight school closures, the parents wanted to have options before the board makes any final decision. The community-led proposal emphasizes the communities most impacted by these potential changes. One idea they've tossed around is getting all Pittsburgh families to give input on PPS, whether they go to the schools or not, so they can find out why people send their children to other schools.

"We just felt like there might be other options available and other ways to incorporate feedback," Zangle said.

They are hoping this plan can be used by the district to create an equitable and vibrant school system. They are still finalizing their presentation to give everyone a chance to learn and express their opinions on the district's future.

"Hopefully the board can get some inspiration and figure out a way forward together," Zangle said.

The parents plan to present this community-driven proposal on Tuesday at the Smithfield United Church of Christ Event Hall at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m.

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