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Advocates say resolution up for vote at Pittsburgh Public Schools board meeting wasn't available in time for public comment

Pittsburgh Public school board to vote on resolution that could impact future of district, education
Pittsburgh Public school board to vote on resolution that could impact future of district, education 01:56

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- In just two days, the Pittsburgh Public Schools board will vote on a plan many believe will impact the future of the district.

It's listed on the agenda as a "facilities utilization plan." But a grassroots organization claims it means school closures.

412 Justice and Education Rights Network sent a letter to members of the Pittsburgh Public Schools board and the superintendent, "Letting them know that we are not in support of this resolution; we are asking them to note vote for the resolution on Wednesday," said Angel Gober, the executive director of 412 Justice. 

If passed, the school board would direct the administration to develop recommendations on a facilities utilization plan.  

412 Justice and Education Rights Network told KDKA-TV the district reached out to them and others in November to put a framework in place for community input. However, according to 412 Justice, no one has taken that input into account since a community survey just closed on Friday.

"We're under the impression that the transparency that was supposed to take place has been null and void. So, we're feeling that we've been duped, been lied to and we're not being respected as organizers in the work that we do," said Education Rights Network co-founder Paulette Foster.

KDKA-TV's Mamie Bah reached out to the district to request an interview with the superintendent to discuss the facilities utilization plan, a spokesperson said they do not discuss board resolutions in advance of a board vote.

However, they provided this statement, "The proposed resolution and the district's work to create a new 5-year strategic plan are separate and should not be conflated." 

Educational advocates push back against resolution up for vote at Pittsburgh Public Schools board me 01:49
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