Judge rules Pittsburgh Public Schools didn't have standing to file lawsuit ordering property reassessment
An Armstrong County judge has dismissed the suit brought by Pittsburgh Public Schools to order a property reassessment in Allegheny County. The judge did not rule on whether there should or shouldn't be a reassessment, only that the school district did not have standing to file the suit.
The school board sued after it had been ordered to pay back millions of dollars in tax refunds to Downtown building owners who have successfully appealed their building assessments in the past two years.
The school district argues that the assessments are out of whack. The current property taxes are based on assessments done in 2012. Wealthy property owners are paying too little in property taxes while less wealthy property owners are paying too much. The district sued the county and County Executive Sara Innamorato, saying the only way to fix it is countywide reassessment.
But the judge dismissed the complaint, saying the school board has no direct interest or standing on the issue. Pittsburgh Public Schools solicitor Ira Weiss disagreed.
"Despite the decision of the court, which I respect but disagree with, it doesn't alter the fact that we have an obviously defective assessment system in this county. So the county can pretend the emperor has new clothes on but we know he doesn't," Weiss said.
But the issue doesn't end there. In conclusion, the judge said, "The Court wants to emphasize one last point: the dismissal of the lawsuit brought by the School District should not be interpreted to mean that Allegheny County's current assessments are constitutionally permissible. This issue has not been decided by the Court."
Weiss's law firm is also representing a Churchill homeowner who has also sued the county over the assessment system. Weiss says as a taxpayer, she will have standing and her suit will proceed.
Allegheny County's spokesperson had no comment on the ruling.