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Pittsburgh Resumes Enforcing Parking Rules On Street Sweeping Days

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Now is the time to start paying attention to where you park in Pittsburgh.

In an effort to clean up the streets, the city is enforcing parking on street sweeping days. Over the past two years, there was no enforcement because of the pandemic.

"During the early part of the pandemic, many people were obviously working from home and we had people that didn't have the means or locations to shift their vehicles to another spot during the daytime," Pittsburgh Public Works Communications Officer Emily Bourne said.

street cleaning
(Photo Credit: KDKA)

That came at a cost. Since cars were not forced to move, streets were not cleaned.

"It will be nice to have the streets clean, but I think it's going to catch a lot of people off guard. There's going to be a lot of tickets," Lou Kroeck said.

Kroeck works on the South Side. During his time in that office, the enforcement has not been enforced.

Starting Monday, he will have to pay more attention to the sign outside the door. He said it will be nice to see the streets get the care they need, but he admits parking will get trickier on cleaning days.

"For myself, the other business owners here and our clients, parking is often a problem," Kroeck said. "So, as much as we appreciate it, it's a double-edged sword."

According to the city, most neighborhoods will have a street sweeper on Monday through Thursday. Fridays are predominately for cleaning streets in business districts. The city has plans to put a cleaning schedule on its website at some point this season.

With cleared streets, public works said it can more efficiently do its job of keeping the streets looking good, as well as making sure the drains are working. The cleaning season lasts from now until the end of November.

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