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Pittsburgh Derby Brats get ready to skate for junior national championship

Pittsburgh derby brats get ready to skate for junior national championship
Pittsburgh derby brats get ready to skate for junior national championship 01:54

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- They're rocking the derby world and now, Pittsburgh's one and only junior derby league team is rolling to the national championships for the first time.

They're rough and tumble and hell on eight wheels.

Only this type of playtime isn't for the frail or faint of heart -- it's for the Derby Brats.

"I think that's a really exciting thing, not only for the kids playing, but for the kids coming up to see that we're somebody and people are gonna know who we are," said trainer Dana Bannon. 

These agile athletes, some as young as 9, are racking up wins, all while wearing a wicked set of wheels.

"It's really fun because there's a lot of strategy and teamwork," said Banyan 'Banyinzer' Ouldage.

"This is a lot more of a competitive sport, just like anything else," Bannon said.

But unlike any other season, for the first time in the team's ten-year run, the baddest brats in the bunch have pushed and shoved their way to the biggest bout in the entire league. 

"They have a really good chance of taking home the national championship," Bannon said.

Now, they're readying their skates, hoping to ultimately turn them into roller blades of glory.

"I'm glad we'll be able to make history for our team," Ouldage said.

The championship will be held in Washington, D.C. on the third weekend in July.

To help the team pay for their trip, they're holding a skate-a-thon fundraiser. For more information, click here. 

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