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Pitt's Ex-Emergency Management Director Pleads Guilty To Selling Masks For Nearly $19K

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - The former head of emergency management at the University of Pittsburgh admitted to stealing more than 13,000 masks from the school and selling them on eBay.

Christopher Casamento pleaded guilty in federal court to a count of interstate transportation of stolen property. He was indicted 11 months ago after an investigation.

(Photo Provided by University of Pittsburgh)

The FBI was able to confirm that Casamento was running an account on eBay called Steel City Motor Toys.

As the head of emergency management, Casamento had access to Pitt's N-95, surgical and particulate masks meant for students and employees. He sold the masks at the height of the pandemic when PPE wasn't widely accessible for a total of nearly $19,000, prosecutors said. The masks were shipped to customers across the county.

He was fired in July of 2020.

Sentencing is scheduled for June 15.

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