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Pine-Richland School Board Delays Vote On In-Person Learning Plan As Group Holds Rally Outside Meeting

By: KDKA's Jennifer Borrasso

PINE TOWNSHIP, Pa. (KDKA) -- Parents and students rallied outside a Pine-Richland School Board meeting on Monday.

The group wants students to get back in the classroom now and a concrete plan from the district. But the school board did not vote on a plan.

The last time fourth- through 12th-grade students were in the classroom full time was last March.

Pine richland
(Photo Credit: KDKA)

The school board talked Monday about a timeline for a phased return to bring students in grades four through 12 back full time. Right now, kindergarten through third-grade students have the option to use in-person learning five days a week, hybrid or remote learning.

The district is proposing fourth- through sixth-graders and seniors have the option to go back to full-time learning in the classroom on March 18.

Then after spring break on April 8, middle school students and ninth- through 11th- grade students would return.

Some parents say it is not enough.

"I'm frustrated. We have all spoken out how our children feel and our children are struggling," said Amy Terchick.

"I have lots of friends whose kids are not doing well," said Joe Cassidy. "That's an issue. They are not listening to the kids."

"There is a plan," said school board director Greg DeTullio. "It's slower than many of us want. But there is a plan and that is the message. We have been doing this for 50 weeks. And it looks like we will be in a full year before we get back to the new normal. I want to get back to normal. I want families to get back to normal, and I want students to get back to normal."

On Tuesday, the district is emailing parents a survey asking them what they want. The district wants the result back by Friday.

The school board could vote again on March 15.

The district released a statement, saying:

Pine-Richland School District has been providing families with an in-person option (hybrid learning) of alternating in-person and online learning all school year with the exception of December and early January. From kindergarten through third grade, a five-day in-person option has been available all year with the same exception. Many extracurricular activities have also been available all year. We have fully competed in fall and winter sports for students in grades 7-12 and have started spring sports conditioning.

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