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Pennsylvania Turnpike unveils customer service texting line

Pennsylvania Turnpike unveils customer service texting line
Pennsylvania Turnpike unveils customer service texting line 01:54

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission has launched a new text messaging service.

The free service, which the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission labeled a first of its kind, is available only for Pa. Turnpike customers "experiencing unexpected backlog," according to a news release from the Turnpike Commission.

While safely stopped, drivers or passengers can text "info" to 47676 for automated, location-specific information about the incident, anticipated clearance times, and roadway updates.

"We take immense pride in maintaining safe, clear roadways on the PA Turnpike," said Pa. Turnpike COO Craig Shuey. "Yet, we know incidents happen. While 47676 can't lift drivers out of a backlog, it provides them timely reassurance that incidents are being handled, and an estimate on when travel will resume."

Users will answer prompts to verify their backlog location using GPS. The service provides automated updates every 15-20 minutes, including what happened, how long it will take to clear, and other roadway updates, the news release said.

"You have no idea what's going on in front of you, so we thought so we thought by doing this texting feature that people could at least get updates on what's happening, or, 'Hey, theres a major accident ahead,'" said John Parker, Traffic Operations Program Supervisor with the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.  

Texts stop after an incident clears. To reactivate the service for a new incident, stopped motorists or passengers must text 47676 again.

"Sounds like it'll be very helpful because GPSs aren't very reliable, Waze doesn't work that well, so yeah, it'll be kind of nice to know if there's something coming up or a closure, accident, whatever," said driver Pat Raffaele.

The service is not used for daily commuter traffic or construction-related delays.  

"The Pa. Turnpike has a variety of efforts that enhance roadway reliability," said Manager of Incident Management and Traffic Operations Mike Pack. "This includes dedicated staff training, emergency responder coordination, and real-time condition monitoring. Despite their rarity, we know drivers are frustrated by unexpected backlogs; 47676 can help alleviate some of that concern." 

The new service will work in tandem with existing customer assistance tools such as *11 and 511.

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