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Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman has history of speeding tickets

Fetterman has history of speeding tickets
Fetterman has history of speeding tickets 01:59

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman has a history of speeding tickets. 

State records show that Fetterman has been stopped twice since 2016 for his actions behind the wheel. In both those instances, he was allegedly driving more than 20 mph over the speed limit.

The most recent ticket was in Westmoreland County in March. Court records said he was driving 34 mph over the speed limit. He pleaded guilty to the charge, according to the records.

In 2016 in Warren County, Fetterman was charged with driving 24 mph over the posted limit. In that case, too, he pleaded guilty.

Both incidents preceded the crash this past weekend in Maryland, where state police say Fetterman was "at fault." The crash happened on Interstate 70 while the senator was driving with his wife, Gisele.

Police reports say a witness told them Fetterman was driving "well over the speed limit." The speed limit in the area of the crash is 70 mph. It wasn't too long later before he rear-ended a 62-year-old driver. Fetterman, his wife, and the other driver all went to a hospital for their injuries. Fetterman was treated for a bruised shoulder.

In a video posted on social media, Fetterman was seen recovering from his injuries at home in Braddock.

The Washington Post reported that after the ticket earlier this year, Fetterman was to take a driver's improvement course. The newspaper also reported that the senator's aides fear riding with him because of allegations of Fetterman texting and FaceTiming while driving.

KDKA-TV reached out to the senator's spokespeople but did not hear back on Friday. Fetterman's camp told the Washington Post that this is "gossip and inaccurate." 

In a statement on Wednesday, Fetterman said, "This was an unfortunate accident and I'm relieved and grateful that there were no serious injuries. I need to do better and do it slower, and I will."

KDKA-TV also reached out to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to see if he is aware of Fetterman's driving history and if they have spoken about it. KDKA-TV did not hear back on Friday.

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