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Disturbing doorbell video shows "box demon" at Pennsylvania home

Pennsylvania homeowner gets mysterious visit from the "box demon," police investigating
Pennsylvania homeowner gets mysterious visit from the "box demon," police investigating 00:15

Disturbing Ring camera video from a central Pennsylvania home shows a mysterious stranger with a paper plate face appearing on the front porch and leaving something behind.

"I am the box demon, I leave this gift, this box, a gift for you," they say into the camera.  

Footage from a Ring camera showed someone dressed as the "box demon" leaving an empty box on someone's porch. Northern York County Regional Police Department

The "demon" is seen wearing a mask that appears to be made from a paper plate with eyes and a mouth drawn on it. Attached to the paper plate are multicolored petals like the petals of a flower.

They then left an empty box on the porch.

The video was taken around 4 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11 on East 10th Avenue in Northern York Borough, the Northern York County Regional Police Department said in a news release.

"The homeowner does not recognize the person. The homeowner does not know what the mask or the term 'Box Demon' was to represent," the release said.

No word on what, or who, the Box Demon is. Some social media commenters have speculated the "demon" looks like the character Dandy from the "Dandy's World" horror game on Roblox, an online platform where users can create, share and play other users' games.

Dandy also has a round face resembling a flower, with multicolored petals around the outside.

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