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Monroeville Technical School Students Fix Up Classic Car For H.S. Production Of 'Grease'

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MONROEVILLE (KDKA) – Students at Penn-Trafford High School are stepping things up and adding a big prop to their spring musical this year.

The students are putting on a production of "Grease."

To get things just right, they decided to forego the usual homemade props, and instead, found a classic car online to use as a piece of their set.

"Instead of having some car that we made out of wood… why not buy a real car?" says Maddy Harberberger, a senior who's playing "Sandy" in the production. "So, they went on Craigslist and found a car, drove out to Ohio to pick it up."

It's a 1952 Kaiser Virginian.

Students at the Forbes Road Career and Technology Center (CTC) in Monroeville are helping Penn-Trafford get it ready for the show. They represent 10 different schools throughout the area.

The car needed some work, but it has come a long way. To make it lighter, the CTC students removed the engine and made other modifications. Then, they went to work, bringing it back to life.

"We kind of took everything off, sanded it all down, put a nice fresh coat of paint on it," says Jeff DeSalvo, an adult student at the CTC.

"Everybody had… their own little part," says Adam Tomlinson, a morning student at the CTC.

Friday's big project was to add the clear coat to the vehicle, so the car really shines on stage.

The final obstacle will be getting the car into the auditorium.

"It's been a challenge for [the CTC students] to figure out how to split it in half so it will fit on our stage," says Raegan Hockman, a junior who's playing "Rizzo."

The students at the CTC are thrilled to have the opportunity, though. Their instructor says it has been a unique learning experience.

"It's awesome," says William Knight, a full-day student at the CTC. "It's just really good to be a part of something like this."

The students at Penn-Trafford can start practicing with the car when it's delivered next week. That's still plenty of time before the first show on Friday, April 6.

For additional details about Penn-Trafford's production of "Grease," click here:

To learn more about the Forbes Road Career and Technology Center, click here:

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