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Parent's Perspective: Rethinking the reward system with children

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - From time out to a three count, to taking toys away, we try as parents to correct our kids' behavior. But is any of it working?

While everyone has their own parenting style, we wanted to learn some tips from the experts! Patty Maxwell from Engage Kidz, LLC works with parents in their homes and works in classrooms as well.

Let's start with good behavior. Maxwell believes in rewarding heavily early on. While some parents believe this can lead to a constant search for praise and rewards, Maxwell said to remember we are training these little humans.

She said to create a system where the kids receive a reward and praise and then ease off. Eventually, if done right, she says the kids will start to self-motivate.

As for harmful or unwanted behavior, Maxwell said to rethink the "time out." She said to treat it as a calming space and use it before the situation gets out of hand.

For more tips and advice from Engage Kidz, LLC, click here.

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