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Police Use Tracking Device To Arrest Bridgeville Rite Aid Robbers

BRIDGEVILLE, Pa. (KDKA) -- Three people allegedly robbed a Rite Aid in Bridgeville.

The Bridgeville Police Department announced that three individuals robbed the business at approximately midnight on Wednesday, getting away with several thousands of dollars worth of narcotics.

Police say 30-year-old Shasta Foster and 40-year-old Alvin Korvah — of Columbus, Ohio — are seen in surveillance photos robbing the store.

When they left, a third man entered.

He appeared to have a gun, jumped over the counter and demanded narcotics, police said.

The narcotics contained a tracking device, and police knew where the alleged robbers were each step of the way.

Foster and Korvah were arrested in Washington, Pa. while the third is still at large, authorities said.

Foster and Korvah are in the Allegheny County Jail, facing several counts of conspiracy.

Police said no store employees were injured, and all the stolen goods were recovered.

(Photo Caption: KDKA)


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