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On A Positive Note: Bethel Park woman uses past hardships to inspire others

Bethel Park woman uses past hardships to inspire others
Bethel Park woman uses past hardships to inspire others 03:37

BETHEL PARK, Pa. (KDKA) — We all face hardships from time to time, but imagine beating cancer twice than facing amputation of your fingers and legs.  

That's what happened to Jean Mwale of Bethel Park. She contracted an infection in 2016 that nearly killed her. She awoke from a coma to find her fingers and toes gone, and then later, she lost both legs.  

She's made a remarkable recovery and focuses on helping other amputees and people with cancer.

"I want to help people like me," Mwale said. "We're the bridge. Miracles Of Hope is the bridge to help people like me."

Jean Mwale of Bethel Park focuses on helping other amputees and people with cancer. Provided

Mwale is tenacious with her physical rehab, but Dr. Michael Munin from UPMC's Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation says it's her outlook and spirit that have made her thrive.

"You can imagine the devastating nature of her symptoms that she had to deal with," the doctor said. "But her willingness to see the positive of life to manage depression and those things have been such a plus."  

Mwale believes it all happened for a reason.

"If somebody came to me right now and said, 'Jean, we're going to give you back the legs. We're gonna take back the fact that you had cancer,' I would say, 'No, thank you.' Yes, it was hard and it was tough, but what I learned and the amount of people I'll be able to help, it was worth it," Mwale said.

You can learn more about Miracles of Hope here

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