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Icy Lights Block Party Launches In Oakland

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OAKLAND (KDKA) -- It was a night of frozen fun in Oakland on Friday.

The first Icy Lights block party showcased the new light display above the business district on Oakland Avenue.

There was also a 30-foot long curling rink between Forbes Avenue and Sennett Street as well as ice sculptures and food.

oakland ice sculpture
(Photo Credit: KDKA)

"It's really cool. You know, it gives students and everybody in the area something to do, hang out, just have fun, stay warm underneath the heaters, whatever it may be. It's just really cool," Pitt student Zachary Serbin said.

"These ice sculptures you see around are awesome. They worked really hard on them. And some of the free food, we had some sushi, very good, and yeah, just loving it, having a great time," Pitt student Kayla Teape said.

A few members of a local curling team helped teach people the basics of the sport.

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