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North Braddock police chief resigns as borough moves to regionalize police force

North Braddock police chief resigns as borough moves to regionalize police force
North Braddock police chief resigns as borough moves to regionalize police force 02:16

NORTH BRADDOCK, Pa. (KDKA) - There have been more shakeups in North Braddock, the borough council announced.

The police chief, whom the council voted not to renew the contract, suddenly resigned on Tuesday.

North Braddock Borough Council accepted the resignation of Chief Issac Daniele. The temporary police chief approved is Ryan Wooten, the former Rankin police chief.

In a unanimous vote, the North Braddock Borough Council accepted the sudden resignation of Daniele's contract, which was going to end at the end of the month.

One resident questioned what prompted the move.

"Why are we losing our chief? Is that something you can answer?"

Borough Council President Lisa Franklin-Robinson answered, "He resigned."

The main focus of the meeting was the regional police department, with North Braddock, Rankin, and East Pittsburgh. If things continue to move forward, that force will be in existence in January.

North Braddock will vote on June 27 on whether or not to join the regional police force. Rankin and East Pittsburgh are expected to vote before the end of July.

Retired police chief Gerald Simpson was hired by the state as a consultant.

"I think it's the future, Simpson said. "I've been in law enforcement 39 years, and in the commonwealth, this is the model that works right now. It's hard for communities that are struggling with some of the financial pieces."

Once the communities approve the charter, the next phase means hiring police officers and a chief.

"Some of the budgeting issues, the hiring and the recruitment of new police officers, that training we need to get them to function together," Simpson said.

Longtime resident Dennis Evans has concerns.

"What is the timeframe for response? For somebody in Rankin, when the police department is in East Pittsburgh? Or what is the response from East Pittsburgh for a resident here in North Braddock?" Evans questioned.

In late summer, a town hall meeting will unveil what the regional police department will look like before going operational in January. 

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