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National Aviary's Steller's sea eagle Kodiak gets potential new mate

Steller's sea eagle Kodiak gets potential new mate at National Aviary
Steller's sea eagle Kodiak gets potential new mate at National Aviary 00:42

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- The Steller's sea eagle is vulnerable to extinction, but the National Aviary is finding some hope in a potential pairing of new mates. 

The aviary said Kody has been living "behind the scenes" with a potential new mate. After a few months of introductions, both eagles are ready to live together, the aviary announced on Tuesday.

We’ve been keeping a secret at the National Aviary…Kody, the Steller’s Sea Eagle, has been living behind the scenes with...

Posted by National Aviary on Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The National Aviary said the pairing is important because Steller's sea eagles are considered vulnerable to extinction because of habitat loss and overfishing. Their numbers are expected to drop by as much as 30% from generation to generation, the aviary said.

Pittsburghers may remember Kody, or Kodiak, as the bird that escaped his habitat in 2021. After more than a week, he was caught outside a home in Pine Township

More details about Kody's mate are expected soon. Visitors can now see the happy couple during their next trip to the aviary.

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