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Eagle who thought rock was egg gets orphaned eaglet

Bald eagle dad going viral for adopting egg given orphaned and injured eaglet to care for
Bald eagle dad going viral for getting orphaned and injured eaglet to care for 01:02

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Remember Murphy? He's the bald eagle in Missouri who found a rock in his enclosure last month and mistook it for an egg. 

Murphy has been caring for his rock ever since and the internet thought he'd make a great real dad. It turns out, so did his sanctuary. 

Murphy/RockBaby/Eaglet THE TIMELINE March 8 - Murphy begins incubating his rock / MurphyMania begins April 2 -...

Posted by World Bird Sanctuary on Monday, April 17, 2023

When an orphaned injured eaglet came through the World Bird Sanctuary, they introduced it to Murphy, and Murphy is turning out to be a pretty good stepdad.

He's feeding the eaglet and is on his best behavior for the eaglet to follow.  

The sanctuary said they don't have the bandwidth capacity for a live stream but they're working on a way to get better videos to share. 

In the meantime, while not quite as heartwarming, you can always watch the Hays bald eagles, which actually hatched from eggs, on     

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