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More than just a hobby, Clay Pittsburgh takes pottery to the next level | KD Sunday Spotlight

KD Sunday Spotlight: Clay Pittsburgh
KD Sunday Spotlight: Clay Pittsburgh 02:50

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - According to the United States GDP, the arts made up more than $1 trillion of the U.S. economy, in 2022. So, this Sunday, we're taking a closer look at the arts, specifically the art of pottery.

Like people need water to live Daniel Vito needs pottery to thrive. He started making clay pots in 1972 and hasn't stopped since. With laughter, Vito said, "At the end of the day, you may have a pile of paper on your desk, but at the end of the day I've got a pile of pots. That's a lot more meaningful."

He owns his studio Fireborn Gallery where students have learned from him over the last twenty-five years. 

Vito said, "With the pandemic, came a huge boom in the interest of making pottery, taking classes."

It's not only a popular hobby, but also a livelihood and one that Vito said needs support. 

Vito said, "Trying to make a living in the arts I don't care what it is that you're doing, is always challenging."

So, Vito started the non-profit Clay Pittsburgh last April. It comes with the goal of connecting potters to other potters.

Vito said, "If we could help students transition out of the classroom and into their own studio and fire, that would be great and we're working on that." 

He said the hardest part for potters is affording or finding a kiln to heat up and solidify these ceramic masterpieces.

"The firing process is always a stumbling block," Vito said. "We would like to help bridge that gap."

Through the non-profit, he'd like to create a space for all potters to finish their work. Clay Pittsburgh also has exhibitions to connect customers to the artist behind their favorite ceramic pieces.

Vito told KDKA, "That favorite bowl, you know like get it out of the dishwasher and wash it before breakfast because that's the bowl you want to eat out of. Cause it's important."

These pottery pieces spark joy and bring beauty, and meaning to lives. Its durable work is passed down through generations with history, culture, and community.

The next exhibition for Clay Pittsburgh is scheduled for November 9th through the 10th. If you'd like to connect with the non-profit and learn more check out their website right here. 

If you would like to see an organization highlighted in KDKA's Sunday Spotlight segment, send Megan Shinn an email at!

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