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Men Rescued From Island After Spelling "HELP" In Palm Leaves

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Three men used creativity to get rescuers' attention after they wound up stranded on an island.

The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard spotted the sailors Thursday on the uninhabited island of Fanadik.

A picture posted by the U.S. Pacific Fleet shows two of the men waving life vests next to a "HELP" sign made of palm leaves.

Two of three men stranded on the uninhabited island of Fanadik in the Federated States of Micronesia wave life jackets...

Posted by U.S. Pacific Fleet on Friday, April 8, 2016

Three days earlier, the sailors' 19-foot boat reportedly capsized, forcing them to swim four miles to the nearest beach.

A U.S. Navy plane was sent to look for the men, and within hours, they spotted them. A small boat recovered the men from the island. All were uninjured.

"Our combined efforts coupled with the willingness of many different resources to come together and help, led to the successful rescue of these three men in a very remote part of the Pacific," said Lt. William White, Sector Guam public affairs officer.

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