Mel Blount: Loved Noll's Consistency
PITTSBURGH (KDKA 93-7 The Fan)- Steelers Hall of Fame cornerback Mel Blount joined Bob Pompeani Saturday to share memories of the late Chuck Noll.
"We all are mourning, but this is just part of the journey," Blount said. While offering condolences to the Noll family, Blount added, "We just have to move on and just try to take some of the things that we've learned from Chuck and continue to apply them in our lives and pass them on to people that we come in contact with."
Pompeani asked Blount what lessons he still uses today.
"I think the most important thing, and the one that I really love the most, is Chuck's consistency," Blount said. "You could see that guy on Monday, and see him again on Friday, and he was the same guy. He had great leadership skills, he was consistent in everything that he did."
Blount said that he became close with Noll.
"Chuck loved his players," Blount said. "With the building of this (youth) home, and everything that I ever was involved in, he was there to support it."