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Media Pack Bellefonte For Coverage Of Sandusky Trial

BELLEFONTE (KDKA) -- Television news trucks and their crews came from near and far, packing into any open space outside the Centre County Courthouse.

"Oh, it was unbelievable, all these vehicles that are sitting here," Bill Dress of Bellefonte said. "It will probably never happen again here."

More than 300 media members registered to cover what some are calling Pennsylvania's trial of the century.

"It reminds me of the O.J. Simpson case," Nellie Lykens of Bellefonte said. "The media was in a frenzy."

One couple from Florida compares the hype surrounding Jerry Sandusky's trial to that of Casey Anthony's trial.

One reporter from each media outlet is being allowed in the main courtroom. An additional reporter from each outlet is being allowed to watch in the courthouse annex on closed circuit big screen TVs.

A limited number of community members are being allowed in as well on a first-come, first-served basis.

"I wanted to come out and get some pictures," Lykens said. "It's a historical moment, and I have friends and relatives from out of town and they want some pictures to see what's going on in their hometown."

And while reporters work diligently to get stories back to their hometowns, people in Bellefonte are getting a kick out of all these visitors.

"I just came to see if I could get Nancy's Grace's autograph," Glenn Patrine said.


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