McKeesport Area Ministerium Treating Officers To Free Meals
MCKEESPORT (KDKA) - In the wake of the recent shootings involving police officers across the country, a local group is showing their appreciation.
Throughout the day, members of the McKeesport Area Ministerium are offering officers a meal.
McKeesport Police officers lined the room. Small white envelopes were handed to each one of them. Inside was a small gesture to show gratitude.
"We want to let our entire police department know that we appreciate them and that we are very thankful of their service here in McKeesport," Rainbow Temple Pastor Pete Giacalone said.
Members of the McKeesport Area Ministerium joined the owners of Di's Kornerstone Diner at the police station.
Each one of those envelopes contained a gift certificate for a meal at Di's. Many of the local officers frequent the restaurant.
"When I think about all that police officers do, I don't even have a clue about what kind of stuff they go through," Salvation Army Lt. John Esker said.
Lt. Esker said he's seen first-hand the work the officers do and knows how difficult it can be.
"The emotional challenges that some of them probably go through. To know that their families perhaps may be put in danger on account of the sacrifice and what they're willing to do. There's so much that we need to show them appreciation for," Lt. Esker said.
The officers went right back to work after they were honored. Members of the Ministerium and Di's plan on coming back throughout the day at shift changes so all the officers can get a certificate.
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