Beautiful Weather Brings Thousands Out For Open Streets
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – In a city infamous for its construction prowess, road closures are an expected part of any Pittsburgh summer.
But one unique series of events is opening up miles of streets in the 'Burgh.
It was a day to get out from behind the wheel and grab onto those handlebars. An estimated 20,000 people reclaimed the city's roadways for the second installment of Open Streets.
"We've seen everything," participant Christian Mayer said. "Bikers, roller skaters, scooters, you name it, we've seen it."
An official program of Bike Pittsburgh, the concept is simple, but the impact has been incredible.
"You experience the city a little bit differently when you're out of your car," Bik PGH director of events Michael Carroll said. "You get to explore all those businesses and shops. We've got amazing fitness partners along the route as well, showcasing what's going on in the neighborhood every day of the week."
On Sunday, there were three miles of car-free streets on the West End, Northside and downtown.
"On the Northside, they had different stations where people are doing ladders, jumping jacks, and there's music, people stopping to take pictures," Chelsea Katkich said. "It's awesome to see everybody out on a Sunday."
Even the young Open Streets enthusiasts will tell you, come down once, and you're hooked.
The next Open Streets event is the last Sunday in July, on the 30th, in the neighborhoods of the Strip District and Lawrenceville.
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