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Pa. Attorney General Josh Shapiro Announces Campaign For Governor Of Pennsylvania

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - Pennsylvania's Attorney General Josh Shapiro is running to be the next governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Shapiro formally launched his campaign on Wednesday morning on Pittsburgh's North Shore.

(Photo Credit: Bryan Orr/KDKA)

"Here in Pittsburgh, I'm announcing my campaign to be the next governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," Shapiro said.

The crowd consisted of many local Democratic leaders. After making his announcement, Shaprio ran through his accomplishments as attorney general.

"Do not mess with Pennsylvania workers cause I will always have their back," Shapiro told his supporters.

In the shadows of the Highmark Building and UPMC's offices in the Steel Tower, Shapiro touted his efforts on getting the two medical giants to come to a health care agreement.

"Their bickering left patients in limbo, in jeopardy of losing the doctors and nurses they trusted," Shapiro said.

He went into how he held institutions accountable, including the Catholic church with its sex abuse scandal.

"That investigation inspired others across the country and led to a global reckoning," Shapiro said.

The AG also hit on the blue-collar work ethic of the region. He made a point to show support for unions and better wages.

"Labor built this town. From the bridges behind me to the stadiums right next to us. You are the backbone of western Pennsylvania," he said. "They deserve not only a minimum wage increase, hell, they deserve a livable wage all across Pennsylvania."

Several Republicans, including Lou Barletta, Bill McSwain, Jeff Bartos, and others have announced their campaigns for governor.

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