Irish pub Harp and Fiddle prepares for increased business around St.Patrick's Day
With the Saint Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday, many bars and restaurants in our area are sure to get huge crowds of people looking to celebrate.
It's the the time of year when business increases for an Irish pub like Harp and Fiddle in the Strip District.
"As a person who claims Irish nationality, I take a lot of pride in the holiday," said Dan Regan, a managing General Partner.
This is Regan's first St. Patrick's Day since buying the business in January.
"The preparation started in November" Regan said. "Booking the bands, and booking the tents, and all that stuff."
He knows how big of a deal it is in the city.
"We get in the neighborhood of a couple thousand people that come through the day," he said.
The work has started in order to welcome all the people that will come Saturday and Monday.
"Everything is cleared out of the inside pretty much," Regan said.
There are two stages, one inside and one outside.
"We'll be running both simultaneously," he said.
Outside, there are two tents and a big patio set up.
"The tent is gonna be packed."
Inside of the pub, some of the preparation has been going on for days.
"We started cooking food early in the week to get ready for this," Regan said. "We do about 300-400 pounds of Shepherd's Pie, a couple hundred pounds of lamb stew and then we'll sell about 1000 sandwiches probably over the weekend."
They'll also be selling a lot of Irish beer being that it's a holiday.
"People want Guinness when they come here," Regan said. "It's by far our number one seller on parade day and St. Patrick's Day."
Regan says he's increasing the staff by about 50 percent for this. The hours may be long, but he says it's all worth it.
"I'm looking forward to what we can do here, and seeing all the people come in and having a good time," Regan said.