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Hey Ray: Cross-Quarter Days and Groundhog Day

Hey Ray: Cross-Quarter Days & Groundhog Day
Hey Ray: Cross-Quarter Days & Groundhog Day 02:50

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - Our relationship with the Earth's tilt and the Sun has always been important. Most notably, that relationship is the reason for our four seasons.

Likely, you know of the Spring or Vernal Equinox, the Summer Solstice, The Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice. These dates mark the beginning of our four seasons. 

No surprise there.

Vernal equinox, winter solstice, autumnal equinox, summer solstice  Ray Petelin

Did you know, though, that the start of the seasons in some cultures used to happen at different times, and those times were based on Cross Quarter Days?

"Cross-quarter days" Ray Petelin

A Cross Quarter Day is the midpoint between two seasons. 

According to Ohio State University's Astronomy Department, The Celtic Solar Calendar and traditional Japanese Luni-Solar Calendars used the cross-quarter days to mark the start of the various seasons. 

That means the first day of spring is on the first cross-quarter day which is February 3rd The beginning of summer was on May 6th, Autumn started on August 8th, and Winter on November 7th.

Cross-quarter days and the seasons Ray Petelin

Religious and cultural celebrations usually coincide with these dates, as well. We have our cross-quarter day, or mid-point of winter coming up, and a big holiday is coming as a result...Groundhog Day!

Punxatawney Phil! Ray Petelin

On Groundhog Day, some look to our furry friend to tell us if we are going to run into more winter weather, or if this cross-quarter day will mean spring weather is on the horizon. If Punxatwney Phil sees his shadow, that means six more weeks of winter is on the way. If he does not see his shadow, that means an early spring.

Oh, look, snow! Ray Petelin

A breakdown of Phil's predictions shows that since 1886, about 78 percent of the time, Phil sees his shadow, meaning MOST of the time, six more weeks of winter can be expected. About 15% of the time an early spring is predicted.

You may notice those numbers don't add up to 100 percent. 

That's because there are 10 years with no records.

Only one time on record, in all those years of predictions has Phil not seen his shadow in back-to-back years. That was in 2019 and 2020.

Gobbler's Knob! Ray Petelin

So, what is it going to be this year? We find out on February 2nd, the morning before our first Cross-Quarter day of the year.

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