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Heinz fan sports ketchup-inspired jacket at his wedding

Heinz fan sports ketchup-inspired jacket at his wedding
Heinz fan sports ketchup-inspired jacket at his wedding 00:48

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- The old wedding rhyme goes, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue."

How about something red instead?

A groom was recently dressed in a Heinz ketchup-inspired jacket at his wedding.

With the groom's first name spelled the same as the iconic condiment, Heinz Le contacted the ketchup company to invite them to his wedding last weekend.

The company responded with this masterpiece: the Heinz packet jacket, created by artist Ethan Chan.

Congratulations to Heinz and Michelle, and to any ketchup fans out there named Heinz, the company says to drop them a DM, and who knows what might happen. 

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