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Giant Rabbits 'Intrude' Into Downtown For New Year's Eve

By: Heather Lang/KDKA-TV

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- The biggest attraction at the Highmark First Night 2022 celebration is just that -- very big.

WATCH: KDKA's Erika Stanish reports

Of course, we're talking about the giant 50-foot rabbit and her 12-feet tall babies on display in the heart of the Cultural District.

Pittsburgh Cultural Trust crews worked to inflate them on Thursday morning. It was the big test before the bunnies make their debut during the First Night Pittsburgh celebration on New Year's Eve.

The "Intrude" exhibit is created by Australian artist Amanda Parer. While the rabbits are cute, Parer says there's a deeper meaning behind her work than just a great photo op.

(Photo Credit: Tim Lawson/KDKA)

"My artwork centers around how humans manage the natural world and our relationship with it," Parer said. "Here in Australia, the rabbit is an introduced species, and since it was brought by the first settlers in 1788, it has caused a lot of the havoc in our ecosystems. So, I use it as a metaphor as the way that humans mismanage the natural world. But the rabbit is good to use because it's also a symbol of cuteness and it reminds us of our childhood and easier times. So, people see it and are drawn in to the cuteness of it, but might dig a little deeper to the more serious tones of the artwork."

WATCH: Full Interview with Amanda Parer --

The display is located at the Trust Oasis, which is at 7th Street and Penn Avenue downtown.

The enormous animals will "go to sleep" and "wake up" each day though Jan. 28.

(Photo Credit: Tim Lawson/KDKA)
(Photo Credit: Tim Lawson/KDKA)

For more information on "Intrude," visit the Cultural Trust's website here.

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