Eye On The Community: Women without health insurance can soon get a free mammogram
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Ask any breast cancer survivor and she can always tell you when she discovered something was wrong.
"In January 2017, I physically felt a lump in my breast," said Kiva Fisher-Green.
She said she immediately contacted her doctor, who also confirmed the presence of a lump. After that, things moved quickly. Her doctor got her in for a mammogram and she had a biopsy the same day. Then, she waited.
"Those were like the longest five or six days," she said.
When the results came back, Fisher-Green was told she had stage 2 breast cancer.
"Fortunately, it didn't spread to my lymph nodes or anything," she added.
She made it through her radiation treatments successfully and has counted each year since to make it to the five-year milestone of being cancer-free. That is this year.
But initially, she didn't get a clean bill of health.
"They found something again this year," said Fisher-Green.
She knew the process. She had to have more images taken and again await the results. But this time, everything was fine. In fact, Fisher-Green saved the voicemail with the good news telling her the test was benign.
Today, Fisher-Green is a proponent of the early detection of breast cancer and awareness.
"I started using my social media platform to encourage women this year after I had my most recent scare. Utilizing my social media again, I've had people say, 'I'm scheduling my mammogram because of you, I've never had a mammogram,'" she said.
Fisher-Green is a member of the Pittsburgh chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, which next month will bring its mobile mammography unit to Heinz Field to offer free 3D mammograms to uninsured women.
"We have to be supportive of individuals who are a little scared about it and talk to them and say this is in your best interest. This is one way you can feel more comfortable that at least you've had an exam and you know what the conditions are," said Emma Lucas Darby, president of the Pittsburgh chapter of the sorority.
Eligible women have to be 40 years old or older, uninsured, without a mammogram in the last year, and with no breast problems or complaints. Additional health screenings will also be available, including diabetes, cholesterol, vision, bone density and blood pressure.
The event takes place on May 17 and May 18 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Heinz Field's FedEx Great Hall. The Pittsburgh Steelers are a supporting partner for the event.
To register for the free mammogram, call 888-233-6121 by May 3. COVID-19 vaccines will also be available by registering in advance at 833-653-0518.