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Franco Harris Skeptical Of Freeh Report

PITTSBURGH (NewsRadio 1020 KDKA) -- Franco Harris, a staunch supporter of Joe Paterno, expresses his thoughts towards the report giving his former coach and mentor so much attention.

"I have not read the reports. I traveled all week and got in about midnight last night and I still haven't read the reports but I did turn the TV on this morning … and there is definitely a lot of reaction to the Freeh report," Harris said.

Harris says the focus in the aftermath of the allegations against Jerry Sandusky has been Joe Paterno and he doesn't understand why.


"And why, I just don't quite get it, don't quite understand, but that's one of the things that we keep digging," Harris said. "... We find out the truth, then we will find out I believe some of the reasons behind why so much focus is totally on Joe."

"If Joe's name wasn't connected to this, this case would have very little attention, unfortunately, but if his name was not connected to either one of these situations, people would not be following it," he added.

Harris admits he is skeptical of the Freeh report.

"I wasn't going to read it because when they leaked the emails, I really told myself, 'Well, okay, this really isn't about the truth' because they've been telling us all along that how they were going to handle this and how it was going to go down and then all of a sudden, you start seeing a lot of leaks," says Harris, "which has really been the operational procedure all along in this whole thing from the beginning was to really direct public opinion and get public opinion going in a certain direction and then come out with stuff that supports that decision."

Listen to the full interview:


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