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Former State Rep. Jesse White Sued By His Mother For $30K

CECIL TOWNSHIP (KDKA) – Former State Rep. Jesse White of Washington County is in hot water again.

This time it's with his mother.

He lost his re-election bid in November and now his mother is suing him, claiming he bilked her out of close to $30,000.

White's no stranger to controversy – as when KDKA exposed him for posing under false identities online to attack political opponents.

"I have no comment on these repeated personal and political attacks put on me," said White.

But now, his own mother is accusing White of stealing her name to open a credit card account and rack up more than $27,000 in charges – lavishing the money on extravagances ranging from season Pittsburgh Penguin tickets to his own destination wedding in Las Vegas.

"Treasure Island Hotel in Vegas, another charge Treasure Island Hotel in Vegas, the Bellagio Hotel in Vegas, Avis Rent-A-Car, Super Liquors, Mars Retail," said his mother's attorney Chuck Kurowski. "This was all on mom's credit card."

In the civil suit filed Thursday afternoon, White's mother, Sharlene Watazyczn, says White cashed credit line checks in her name for thousands of dollars by actually forging her signature on the back.

KDKA's Andy Sheehan: "So, is this fraud?"

Kurowski: "I would think it's fraud. If, in fact she's telling us the truth, and I have no reason to doubt. It's identity theft. It's fraud. It's slander of credit."

White wasn't in his law office Thursday, but told KDKA's Andy Sheehan on the phone that his mother's claims are "categorically untrue." He said she has a personal vendetta against him and is not in her right mind.

"She's clearly lost it," said White. "Unfortunately, our family business is being aired out like this, but I have nothing to hide. I'm 100 percent certain this will be dealt with and decided in my favor."

White went on to say that he was authorized to use the account, that she was aware of it, and that he continues to make payments on it.

White is no longer in office, but that may be the least of his problems.

It's never a good day when your mother sues you in court.

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