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Eric Trump Calls Joe Biden Unacceptable To Pennsylvania Voters

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - Eric Trump, the president's second son, has strong words about his father's Democratic opponent, Joe Biden.

In an exclusive interview with political editor Jon Delano, Trump called Biden a career politician with views out of step for Pennsylvania.

Make no mistake, Eric Trump is passionate about his father, and he says it was the "incompetence" of Barack Obama and Joe Biden that prompted his dad to enter politics four years ago, and turn it all into a family affair.

WATCH: Full Interview With Eric Trump

"He was sick and tired of incompetence, and that's why he jumped in," says the younger Trump.

"We didn't have any friends. This isn't our world or what we do. My father isn't a politician, and neither are we. But we spoke from the heart, and we did it as a family. And I couldn't be more proud of my father, what he pulled off."

Eric lists a litany of positions that, he says, makes Biden unacceptable to Pennsylvania voters, starting with law enforcement.

Trump: "He says he wants to come out and reallocate law enforcement budgets to other social programs, right? Something that Pennsylvania is not going to stand for."
Delano: "Eric, just a minute. He came out to Pittsburgh yesterday. I was there. He denies all that."
Trump: "But, Jon, that's the typical politician that he is. I am so glad that you actually said that because he did deny it yesterday, right? But two weeks ago he said he was going to defund law enforcement."

The 36-year old says career politicians lie, and, in any case, more Pennsylvanians line up with his father's views.

"These are hard-working people. They do not approve of people burning the American flag, who do not approve of people kneeling for the National Anthem. They want to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school. They want oil and gas. They want their Second Amendment. They want their freedom of speech, and they want to be left alone by government."

The President will be at the Arnold Palmer Airport in Latrobe on Thursday, so Eric was asked for a preview.

"He's going to speak to all his accomplishments these last four years. The greatest economy the world has ever seen. You see where the markets are, even today."

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