Double Header Likely To Pose Traffic Nightmare
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – With the Pirates in a race for the division title, as well as holding back Tuesday's opponent, the Chicago Cubs, in the wildcard race, fans are coming out in big numbers.
Tuesday that fandom will collide with the routine of the daily commuters.
Daily commuters won't be able to park in the North Shore lots.
Which means parking on the front end of the day will be tight.
Officials say the garages closest to the Allegheny River – like the Ft. Duquesne Garage and 625 Stanwix – fill up first.
Garages that don't normally fill up probably will Tuesday.
The North Shore lots will open at 9 a.m., but the game day rate is $15.
And traffic after the game will be tight, as the afternoon game lets out amidst rush hour traffic.
Last year saw gridlock on both sides of the Allegheny in a similar situation. So Pittsburgh Police will have a dozen officers working the intersections in hopes of keeping things moving.
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