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Does It Really Do That? Egglettes

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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - The Egglettes Commercial seems to appeal to anyone who likes to eat hard-boiled eggs.

The announcer says, "Peeling hard boiled eggs is such a hassle and makes a mess. Now, there's Egglettes."

Because getting the shell off can be a challenge, Eggletttes, small silicon egg shaped cups, sound like they could be a major time saver.

Crissy Galilei says her biggest issue with cooking hard-boiled eggs is "waiting for them to cool down and then cracking it without a mess."

"I think it's probably easier, but we'll have to put it to the test," she said.

The idea for Egglettes is pretty simple. Silicon egg-shaped cups, filled with either real eggs or egg substitute products and added to boiling water.

The directions are pretty straightforward.

Once you've washed out the cups with a gentle soap and warm water, you're ready to start.

Fill a pot with enough cold water so that the Egglette does not touch the bottom.

While waiting for the water to reach a "rolling boil," Crissy and KDKA-TV's Lynne Hayes-Freeland moved on to preparing the Egglettes.

Crissy doubted the process.

"I don't know, it's like a lot of work, when I could just throw an egg in the pot," she said.

The next step is "prepping" the cups by spraying the interior of cup with three short bursts, thoroughly and even coating the entire inside with cooking spray.

"It seems like a lot of preparation," she said.

Does it feel like a lot of work?

"Yes, my eggs would be boiling already," she said.

But, using the Egglettes is a different process.

Once each cup has been sprayed with cooking oil, you add the egg. The process is the same if you are using an egg substitute product or egg whites.

Crissy and Lynne prepared some of them using regular eggs, some with an egg substitute and some with egg whites. Then, they added cheese and chives to a few to break them up.

Both wondered if some of them would come out like scrambled eggs.

"They should. Especially this one should because the egg's already beaten," she said.

You can add whatever ingredients you like to the Egglette - cheese, seasonings, even meats. They opted for cheese and chives in both the Egg Beaters and the egg whites.

They used a large pot, which took about 10 minutes to reach a rolling boil. That was time that Crissy was not convinced was well-spent.

"This is a food prep thing. If you're into prepping, then it makes sense," she said.

Once the water reached a boil, they added the cups. Then, it was time to wait again - 12-15 minutes depending on what you are preparing.

Immediately out of the water, the silicon cups were hot to the touch. But, the directions do say to let them cool.

After waiting just a few minutes, they cut them open.

"OK, looks like a hard-boiled egg," Crissy said,

The ones using whole eggs looked very much like hard-boiled eggs. The cups with the Egg Beaters and whites were egg shaped as well, but Lynne and Crissy were both impressed with them.

Looks aside, it was time for the taste test.

Crissy tried the hard-boiled egg first.

"It's really hard-boiled," she said.

Next, they tried the egg substitute and agreed it tasted good.

Lynne decided to try the one made with egg whites only. She would not normally eat an egg white omelet so she started on the cheese and chives end.

To her surprise, Lynne said she would eat it again.

In fairness, they may have cooked the actual eggs a minute or two too long, which could be why they were firmer than usual.

The entire process took about 30 minutes, including the wait for the water to boil.

"It looks like one, two three in the commercial and this was one, two three, four five, six, seven eight," Crissy said.

Time consideration aside, it was time for an assessment.

So, does it really do that?

"Yeah, I think it does," Crissy said.

One final thought. The commercial does show a boy opening the refrigerator and grabbing an Egglette cup. The directions do specify you should not keep a cooked egg in the silicon cup for more than 48 hours.

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