Democrats Call For Metcalfe's Resignation While He Protests Ongoing 'Touching'
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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- The Pennsylvania Democratic Party says state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Cranberry Republican, should resign over alleged homophobic remarks.
"We're calling on Daryl Metcalfe to resign and to apologize for all Pennsylvanians for his ridiculously bigoted behavior," party spokesman Brandon Cwalina told KDKA political editor Jon Delano on Wednesday. "He's basically just a walking, talking embarrassment to all Pennsylvanians."
The call stems from Metcalfe's words at a Tuesday hearing when his Democratic colleague, Pennsylvania Rep. Matt Bradford of Norristown, touched his arm.
Bradford: "There's a better way to do this, guys. We don't have to proceed on this one. I hear you. I understand that there are some hard feelings with PennDOT."
Metcalfe: "Rep. Bradford."
Bradford: "Yes."
Metcalfe: "Look, I am a heterosexual. I have a wife. I love my wife. I don't like men as you might but don't -- stop touching me all the time. Keep your hands to yourself. If you want to touch somebody, there are people on your side of the aisle that might like it. I don't."
Democrats characterized Metcalfe's comments as anti-gay, but Metcalfe says he just wants the inappropriate touching to stop.
"This has been occurring for months, committee meeting after committee meeting, that he continues to reach over and touch me on the arm, touch me on the shoulder," Metcalf told KDKA's Jon Delano on Wednesday afternoon. "I've told him in the past to stop touching me, more than once, that he should stop it."
Metcalfe said Democrats were trying to twist who's the wrong-doer.
"I think it's just outrageous that his behavior would be spun in a way out there in certain circles that he's now the victim when he's the perpetrator that was told to stop the physical contact, and he continued it," he said.
Bradford denies Metcalfe's claim of repeated touching.
And Democrats say, even if it happened, that doesn't excuse Metcalfe.
"That's not an excuse to go on a homophobic tirade," notes Cwalina.
As for calls to resign, Metcalfe is clear.
"I think it's a ludicrous action by the Democratic Party," he said.