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Deal Reached On Funding Government Through Sept.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The $1T budget deal that congressional negotiators have reached this weekend will keep the government running through September and includes some wins for both political parties.

The measure funding the remainder of the 2017 budget year eliminates cuts to popular domestic programs like medical research and infrastructure grants. Trump did obtain $1.5 billion for border security measures such as additional detention beds. And he got a $15 billion down payment on his efforts to strengthen the military.

However, the deal denies money for Trump's border wall and rejects his cuts to popular domestic programs.

GOP leaders also did not try to use the must-do spending bill to "defund" Planned Parenthood and the White House backed away from language to take away grants from "sanctuary cities" that do not share information about people's immigration status with federal authorities.

The measure is assured of winning bipartisan support in votes this week. The House and Senate have until midnight Friday to pass the measure and thereby avert a government shutdown.

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