Coraopolis Police Chief To Stand Trial In Violent Crash Case
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - The Corapolis police chief was held for trial Thursday morning for his alleged involvement in a crash that injured a woman in August.
Alan Derusso is charged with felony aggravated assault and recklessly endangering another person.
Investigators say Derusso was driving in his unmarked police car when he struck the woman's car as it crossed Route 51 at the intersection with Thorn Run Road.
"We're not disputing there was an accident. We're not disputing that both parties were severely injured, but the fact that this accident occurred and the way it occurred does not rise to the level of a felony aggravated assault," said Steve Townsend, the defense attorney.
The crash left both Derusso and the female in the other car with severe injuries. Witnesses say Derusso ran a red light.
Evidence suggests Derusso was driving 80 miles an hour before the crash. Police investigators indicate they found no evidence the chief was responding to an emergency.
Special investigators with the Moon Township Police Department downloaded computer information from each car after the crash and used laser mapping technology to help figure out what happened.
Pending the results of the investigation, Derusso was placed on administrative leave in January.
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