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Cooking with Rania: Chicken and Sour Cream Waffles

Cooking with Rania: Chicken and Sour Cream Waffles
Cooking with Rania: Chicken and Sour Cream Waffles 05:21

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- It's all about dad this week! Rania Harris is making a recipe that dad will love on Father's Day!

Chicken and Sour Cream Waffles

(Photo Credit: KDKA)


-- 3 eggs - separated
--  ¾ cup milk
--  1 teaspoon vanilla
--  ¾ cup sour cream
--  1 ½ cups flour
--  ½ teaspoon salt
--  ½ teaspoon baking soda
--  2 teaspoons baking powder
--  ½ cup melted unsalted butter

--  Fried Chicken Tenders (either homemade or frozen - see note below)


Using a stand mixer fit with the paddle attachment, beat the egg yolks in a large bowl. Blend in the milk, vanilla and sour cream.

Combine flour, salt, baking soda and baking powder in a bowl. Add dry ingredients into egg mixture and beat well. Add in the melted butter and blend well.

Beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Carefully fold into batter.

Bake in Belgian waffle maker according to manufacturer's directions.

Place a waffle on each plate top with fried chicken tenders and drizzle with hot honey, sweet honey or pure maple syrup. Serve immediately.

*If using frozen chicken tenders, bake according to package directions and serve them hot from the oven over the hot waffles.

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