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Dogs, Cats, A Turtle & A Deer Found Living In Filth Inside Home

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NEW FLORENCE, Pa. (KDKA) -- After obtaining a search warrant, police and humane officers showed up a home in Westmoreland County to investigate a suspected case of animal neglect.

What they found inside the home was shocking.

Thirty dogs, 67 cats, a box turtle... and even a deer. They were all inside a home on Ross Mountain Park Road in the tiny, rural community of New Florence. Most of the animals appeared to be sick.

Fifty-four-year-old Alexsandria Klochak, whose parents live at that home, was arrested. When humane officers first came to the home last month, Klochak refused their request to go inside to see the animals, so the officers returned later with the search warrant.

A criminal complaint paints a sickening picture of what officials found inside: all the animals were flea- and worm-invested; many were suffering hair loss; rooms in the house were overpowered with debris and animal feces, and floors were saturated with urine.

Urine-soaked paper towels were all over, and feces were shoved against the walls.

Klochak now faces felony charges of animal cruelty and neglect. She was released from custody on $20,000 bond.

The animals removed from the home are now being cared for at area shelters. Some had to treated by veterinarians because they were either dehydrated or unable to stand up on their own.

This wasn't the first time humane officers have been to this Westmoreland County home.

Klochak's parents had previously been convicted of operating a kennel at the same home. Officials said they didn't have a license.

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