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Snow Day Is A Mix Of Clearing Driveways, Helping Neighbors And Having Fun In Saxonburg

By: Jessica Guay, Chris Hoffman and Shelley Bortz

SAXONBURG (KDKA) -- Main Street in Saxonburg looked like a winter wonderland Monday afternoon.

It was a wonderland for kids off from school for the day, but not so much for the adults who had to dig out after the snowstorm. Some areas of Butler County got more than 8 inches of snow.

Tina Gibbs, with PennDOT District 10, said crews are clearing the main roads and secondary streets and they won't stop until they are done. She recommends drivers should still take it slow and avoid distractions while driving.

(Photo Credit: KDKA)

For those people that could stay home, it was a mix of enjoying the day while also clearing sidewalks and driveways.

Kids ran outside to have some fun, jumping in the snow and making a snow igloo in one neighborhood.

"I was really excited. I told my sister to look out, she just woke up and she was like, 'Oh my goodness,' like she wasn't even prepared for that, but last night it was pretty deep, too," Dominic Cardamone said.

The adults got out their shovels and snow blowers and spread the ice melters.

WATCH: KDKA's Jessica Guay reports

"I use a John Deere tractor with a front-end loader, a back blade, and just pushing her along. [We] probably [got] about 10 inches here. You've got to change your angle how you approach it, just help out the neighbors," Eric McLaughlin, of Saxonburg, said.

Residents are also cleaning all the snow off their vehicles and getting any ice off of windshield wipers. Which is a good idea if you have to hit the roads today.

It was much of the same story in neighboring Beaver County, which got more than 6 inches of snow.

WATCH: KDKA's Shelley Bortz reports

While it was around 3 p.m. Sunday when most people saw the first snowflakes in Beaver County, snow continued throughout the night into the early morning hours. James Lohry says he waited until Monday morning to shovel since he had the day off.

"It's kind of filling in behind you as you go because it's still a little bit windy, so as you're kind of pushing some, you get some of that little light drift that pushes back so you have to go back over that spot again. But I'd say probably a solid 8 to 10 inches of heavy-weight too, so it's been a challenge," he said.

Across the street, neighbor Bethann Snowden salted her sidewalk. She said she expected the snow because meteorologists at KDKA gave viewers like herself enough notice. Plus living in this area all of her life, she's used to all the snow.

"This has been the first one in a while. We've been lucky the last couple winters, it hasn't been too bad," she said.

It wasn't all work in Beaver County either. Kids took advantage of their day off from school and went sled riding.

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