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Blawnox senior high-rise has mice infestation, residents say

Weekly weather questions with Mary Ours
Weekly weather questions with Mary Ours 03:50

BLAWNOX, Pa. (KDKA) -- Seniors living in an apartment building in Blawnox said mice have infested the building and taken over their homes.

KDKA-TV obtained pictures of dead mice and a dead rat inside the Blawnox Apartments on Center Avenue. Jean Pecman said she cannot sleep or breathe well due to the infestation. She said even her pet bird is getting sick.

"I've killed, since a year ago, 33 in my apartment," Pecman said. "They crawl up on my hand."

"I have to put my fans on at night," she added. "I can't take the scratching in the walls."

Residents sat down with KDKA-TV and shared their stories on Tuesday.

"Where have you seen mice?" KDKA-TV's Jennifer Borrasso asked.

"In my kitchen, in my bathroom, in my living room, on my couch, on my counter," resident Jamie Roach said.

"We cry about it because nobody will listen to us," Roach added.

It's gotten so bad that Brenda Layton's moving out.

"I haven't slept in my bed since July," Layton said. 

A source with the Allegheny County Housing Authority said complaints about mice in some apartments started recently. Orkin, the pest control company, was hired. KDKA-TV was told the company has been treating every floor once a week and around the building's perimeter once a month. 

Pecman said an exterminator came in to put down poison boxes and close up holes. Pecman called out the housing authority and management for not doing enough, even though someone from the health department stopped by on Tuesday. A spokesperson for the county said officials won't have more information until Wednesday. 

In the meantime, residents said they have tried everything, but the mice keep coming. 

"We are elderly people. We need help," Roach said.

"This is no way for a person to live, especially seniors," Pecman said. 

In a statement, Orkin said: "Due to our confidentiality agreement with each customer, we can't speak to specifics, but we can confirm that we have recently increased service frequency to the property.

"As part of any treatment plan, there are going to be multiple tactics implemented to reduce rodent pressure - so we're diligently working with the customer and residents on a plan suited for this property."

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