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Best Upcoming Exhibits For Kids In Pittsburgh

What better place to experience  all facets of art than the Pittsburgh region? The city and surrounding neighborhoods come alive with the vibrant culture, history and educational venues hosting heaps of activity year-round. It seems there is always something happening in Pittsburgh, and the summer season is no different — the talented artists are constantly making a masterpiece for kids and their families to enjoy. There are myriad of colors, textures, sculptures and photos that will inspire all participants to become an art enthusiast or start on the road to dream and imagine a new activity and an element of personal expression.

Diane Grguras
Gallery on 43rd Street
187 43rd St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
(412) 683-6488

Diane has worked as a graphic illustrator and designer, and is a strong asset to the Pittsburgh Watercolor Society and North Hills Art Center. The content of her work is plein air painting (open air painting), and the kids will really enjoy her animal works. Diane's talents cover landscapes, trees, seasonal portraits and the content of her shows entails the aspects in the natural world, which won her many awards in local art shows and exhibits. Check out her work at 43rd Street Gallery on Butler Street in Lawrenceville and even have the opportunity to take an art class for adults and children.

Related: Best Upcoming Museum Exhibits In Pittsburgh

Mary Hamilton
A Fair in the Park
6300 Fifth Ave.
Pittsburgh PA 15232
(814) 745-2662

Mary Hamilton is adept at printmaking and the Linocut Process she uses is an arduous task carving and printing on linoleum blocks. The final artwork shows a connection of what has influenced her, which is combination of myth, pets and the wonders of life. The Skyflower Farm Studio is north of Pittsburgh, where she can be contacted for personal and reserved shows or at various festivals and fairs. Mary's work will be on exhibit at  A Fair In The Park Sept. 11-13  in the area of Mellon Park, with more to be scheduled, so be sure to check back later for her inspirational artwork. Kids will love the Linocut designs that depict characters from every day life that seem to come alive right off the blocks.

Ron Donoughe
Pittsburgh Center for the Arts
6300 Fifth Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
(412) 361-0873

There are 90 neighborhoods in Pittsburgh and Ron Donoughe uses the Plein Air method of painting, which is life and spirit, to showcase those neighborhoods in an exhibition from May 15 - Aug. 9 at the Pittsburgh Center For The Arts. Kids can learn about all the aspects of each neighborhood, and that includes the historical and educational benefits from his natural talent. Donoughe states that it will be necessary to schedule appointments  to his studio in Lawrenceville, and his creativity will be felt throughout the numerous paintings and exclusive area where he displays his artwork. His painting comes in all forms of landscapes, murals, seasonal, cityscapes and a create a feel for the proud industrial might of Pittsburgh, telling the real story of the city.

Brett Kashmere
Pittsburgh Center for the Arts

Kids will love the artwork done by Brett Kashmere, a Pittsburgh filmmaker, curator and writer who develops a keen development of sports and the cultural role they play in America. This is perfect timing with the media blitz of sports that depict sports heroes through an assortment of mesmerizing collections. The banners seem to jump off the wall and describe the nuances of basketball and other sports, such as hockey and football. The floor design runs freely in all directions, and the visual presentation of a basketball net, an NBA jersey and the variety of slogans on the wall represent the cultural importance and reverance for sports. There is a story with each project and lesson to be learned about sports culture and history, and the kids will have an enriching and educational experience in all forms of media.

Alison Babusci
(412) 512-8028

Babusci is a proud resident of Pittsburgh and has experience as a teacher, storyteller and art consultant. Alison has presented at museums, bookstores and festivals in Pittsburgh with the Cultural Trust.  She is multi-talented, and her imagination with puppetry is welcomed by adults and children. Alison will be part of the new Artsmiths Art and Cultural Center in the South Hills, and the Creative Director, Kate Wagle Hitmar, mentions that Babusci has been with Koolkat Designs for two years with her work with wool sweaters. She will be part of the art boutique and will be featured as the host of live performances related to arts education. The kids will view Babusci's expertise with her stuffed owls and cats made from recycled wool sweaters, and it doesn't end there as the upcycled scarves, wristlets, earrings, mittens and holiday decorations will be on exhibit at the new store in late summer.

Related: Art Lover's Walking Tour Of Pittsburgh

Gerry Cernicky is a retired health and physical education teacher with 36 years of experience. He is a former teacher of the year and a sports writer for the Vandergrift News. He delivers podcasts, and maintains a website and blog. He currently resides in Pittsburgh. His work can be found at

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