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Victim targeted by threatening notes in Beaver County speaks out, "It's an odd feeling not to feel safe in your own home."

Victim of violent threats made by neighbor speaks out
Victim of violent threats made by neighbor speaks out 03:32

It sounds like something straight out of a horror movie - a note was left in front of a woman's door threatening not just to kill her but "I want 2 dismember you U w/ a chainsaw." 

The note also bluntly stated "UR mine 4 ever." 

"I had a lot of anxiety about it, very paranoid," the victim who did not want to be named said. "It's an odd feeling to not feel safe in your own home." 

Koppel Police said the note came from 19-year-old Dylan Bish, a man who lives just next door. The victim said she met him months earlier when he approached her in her backyard. He asked for her phone number and she declined. 

"I thought nothing of it," she recalled. 

Then came the notes left at her door. 

"They were asking for friendship in the first one, in the second one, it got a little violent," she said. 

According to the criminal complaint, along with a deadly threat, the note also said "I've been watching U from POV front of your apartment, UR room is filled with CDs." 

"It's incredibly weird knowing that I've been watched," she said. 

She reported all of it to the police and the complaint said Bish texted police, thinking it was the woman, telling her "I am a serial killer who had killed 20 women." He then said she was next. 

While the criminal complaint went on to say that Bish told police he hadn't killed anyone, he had sent notes and texts to the woman, saying he was lonely and looking for a relationship or friendship. 

"I think he just had the wrong idea," the victim said. "He went about it the wrong way. I feel bad, I'm not mad, feel like he's had a lot of pain in his life and it would be wrong of me to be mad at somebody for struggling." 

The victim said now she'll likely be changing her college major to criminal psychology. 

"This actually helped open my eyes a little bit, made me feel more strong," she said. "As afraid as I was, I still cared about his mental wellbeing." 

KDKA has also spoken to a couple of Bish's family members who have said he has suffered from mental health issues since he was eight years old. In an email to KDKA, the family said they have "been trying for 4 or 5 years to get Dylan placed into a psychiatric care facility or a psychiatric group home." 

The family is now hoping that the courts will step in and order Dylan to be placed in a psychiatric care facility for the remainder of his natural life. 

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